mandag den 22. november 2010

Hurricanes and Suns

Love is a game for everyone
But this is you and me
We had a thousand lifes to live
We had every hurricanes and suns
hey, don't you know, we've just begun

Come pain
Come hurt
See the halo, ha-ha-halo
hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Come pain
Come hurt
See the halo, ha-ha-halo
hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

First in the world that understand
Has the feel we live
It's a matter in coming time
But together we'll be fine
Hey let's go with a smile
Into the into the end

Come pain
Come hurt
See the halo, ha-ha-halo
hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
See the halo, ha-ha-halo

Don't you know the end of time we move now in the halo
Life death life death life death
see the halo
life death life death life death
see the halo

come pain come hurt see the halo halo

follow the halo
Follow the halo
Til the sun goes down
Til the end of time
see the halo halo halooo
til the sun goes down
til the end of time
Til the halo halo halo
come pain
see the halo ha ha halo
come pain
see the halo ha ha halo
He he Heeey

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...

hmm, ville egentlig godt vide hvad Halo står for ^^ altså ikke selve betydningen, den kender jeg godt (: men i tekstens sammenhæng :/

Alaa sagde ...

altså i ved budskab osv xD

xxTralalala sagde ...

Altså tror budskabet skal forståes som at alt smerten, det mørke skal komme frem i en for at kunne se glorien, altså lyset, glæden... Det er sådan jeg forstår det xD
