![Billede: ARTICLE: buzznet.com
The Evolution of Tokio Hotel
Tokio Hotel has been around since the early 2000's. We have seen them grow to become an amazing band that we all love. Their style has evolved so much over the years and we have pulled some of our favorite looks from them. It is so crazy to see how much fashion and style change as the years go on. There are so many different looks we see from Tokio Hotel, it is hard to choose what one is our favorite. Take a look and let us know what Tokio Hotel look is YOUR top pick!
Source and Gallery: http://bit.ly/UNFIYM](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/c24.0.403.403/p403x403/531747_10152565597305601_973466346_n.jpg)
Tokio Hotel har eksisteret siden starten af 2000-tallet. We har set dem vokse op og blive et fantastisk band, som vi alle elsker. Deres stil har virkelig ændret sig gennem årene, og vi har fremhævet nogle af vores yndlingslooks. Det er helt vildt at se hvor meget mode og stil ændrer sig over tid. Der er så mange forskellige Tokio Hotel looks at vi havde svært ved at vælge vores favorit. Tag et kig her og fortæl os hvilket look DU bedst kan lide!
I kan se fotogalleriet her: http://bit.ly/UNFIYM
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