søndag den 15. august 2010

Tokio Hotel til Kids Choise Awards

Arrangørene af Kids Choise Awards 2010 i Mexico har vist på deres facebook side HER, at Tokio Hotel vil være til stede til prisuddelingen den 4. septemper.

Prisuddelingen afholdes den 4. septemper i det kinesiske teater, Six Flags, i Mexico City og Tokio Hotel er nomineret i kategorien 'Favorite Song' med 'World Behind My Wall'.
Afstemningen lukker den 31. august, så der er stadig tid til at stemme!

The organisers of Kids Choise Awards 2010 in Mexico have shows on the facebook site HERE that Tokio Hotel will be present for the awards the 4th of Septemper.

The award ceremony will be held on the 4th of Septemper at the chinese theatre, Six Flags, in Mexico City and Tokio Hotel is nominated in the category 'Favorite Song' with 'World Behind My Wall'.
The voting closes on the 31st of august, so there is still time to vote!

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