Under vores korte samtale, gav gruppen som består af: Gustav Schäfer, Bill og Tom Kaulitz og Georg Listing gentagende gange udtryk for deres lykke for, at deres anden tur til Malaysia helt sikkert vil blive anderledes og speciel for deres fans.
"Det kommer til at være en storstilet indstats og forskellige fra den foregående. Da vi stadig er ret nye på den international scene, er vi så taknemlige for, at MTV World Stage vil give os chancen for at optræde ved denne begivenhed.
"Hvad der er mere interessant er, at MTV World Stage 2010 vil blive afholdt i Malaysia, og det giver os direkte mulighed for at mødes med fans, der sætter pris på vores musik" sagde bandets forsanger Bill Kaulitz.
Videre til koncerten d. 31. juli forsikre Bill, at hans band helt sikkert vil give et brag af et show, der er prestigefyldt nok til sådan en monumental begivenhed.
Klar til at spille deres populære hits som; Pain of love - Human connect to human - World behind my wall - Noise og Automatic, bandet, som blev dannet i 2005 forventes at komme frem med et arrangement og musikalsk koposition, der er lovet at være større og friskere, samt at bruge deres egen besætning og sceneproduktion udover en særlig gimmick om natten ved koncerten.
"Hvad kan vi sige? Forstillingen den aften til være usædvanlig og vil overstige forventningerne. Udover en setliste der er større og mere energisk, vil vi også samarbejde med vores egen besætning og sceneproduktion for vores specielle præstationer"
"Måske på denne aften vil vi forsøge at fængsle publikum med fyrværkeri, udover de sange, der helt klart vil underholde. Vi kan ikke afsløre noget andet - fans bliver bare nødt til, at komme og se for sig selv den forskel, vi yilføjer," sagde Bill, der var rørt af deres fans respons fra deres første besøg her i maj, i år.
I august 2009 lykkedes det MTV World Stage , der blev afholdt for første gang i Maslaysia, at trække tæt på 15.000 fans til Sunway Lagoon, for at se The All-American Rejects, Kasabian. Pixie Lott, Hoobastank, Boys like Girls, Raygun og Estranged.
Dette år, udover Tokio hotel, forventes MTV World Stage 2010 at blive mere populært ved tilstædeværelsen af amerikanske pop sweethear Katy Perry, koreansk band, Wonder Girls og det lokale indie band Bunkface. MTV World Stage Lkive ni Malaysia 2010 sker d. 31. juli og starter kl. 18:00 ved Surf Beach @ Sunway Lagoon.
Indsat af HelloHeidi - thlns.blogspot.com
Even though our conversation lasted less than 15 min. was it obvios that these four boys from Germany, who call themselves Tokio Hotel, are very excited about their peformence for the MTV World Stage Live in Malaysia 2010 by the Surf beach @Sunway Lagoon on 31st of July.
During our short conversation, the group consisting of; Georg Listing, Gustav Schäfer, Bill and Tom Kaulitz expressed several times their happiness for the second trip to Malaysia that it certainly will be different and special for their fans.
"It will be a large-scale effort and defferent from the previous. Because we still are quite new on the international stage, we're so grateful that MTV World Stage wants to give us the chance to preform to this event."
"What is more interesting is that MTV World Stage 2010 will be kept in Malaysia, and that gives us direct opportunity to meet with fans who appreciate our music" said the leadsinger Bill Kaulitz of the band.
To the concert the 31st of July assure Bill that his band will surely make a bang of a show which it prestigious enough for such an monomental event.
Ready to preform their tophits like; Pain of love - Human connect to Human - World behind my wall - Noise and Automatic, the band which was formed in 2005, is expected to com up with an arrangement and musical composition that is promised to be bigger and fresher, and to use their own crew and stage production in excess of a particular gimmick in the night to the concert.
"What can I say? The show to that night will be extraordinary and will exceed the expectations. Besides a setlist, which is bigger end more energetic, we will also be working with our own crew and stage production for our special performences"
"Perhaps on that night we will try to captivate the audience with fireworks, beside the songs that certainly will entertain. We can't reveal too much - fans just have to come and see the difference we are adding" said Bill who where moved by the respons from fans at their first visit back in may, this year.
In august 2009 MTV World Stage, which were held for the first time in Malaysia, succeeded to pull 15.000 fans to the Sunwau Lagoon to see The All-American rejects, Kasabian, Pixie Lott, Hoobastank, Boys like Girld, Raygun and Estanged.
This year, besides Tokio Hotel, MTV World Stage 2010 will be expecting to be more popular by the presence of the american sweetheart Katy Perry, korean band Wondergirls and the lokal indie band Bunkface. MTV World Stage Live in Malaysia 2010 will be held the 31th of July at 6 o'clock PM by the Surf Beach @Sunway Lagoon.
Oversat af/translated by: Kitty - Tokio Hotel Online Update
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