søndag den 1. august 2010

Tokio Hotel rocker MTV World Stage live 2010

Tager deres lyd over havet, medlemmerne i Tokio Hotel var i blandt de deltagende ved MTV World Stage live i Malaysia musik event i Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia lørdag den 31 Juli.

Med Bill Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz, Gustav Schäfer og Georg Listing alle på Sunway Lagoon Resort Surf Beach scenen, kvarteten deltog også i en presse konference før de tog ind på scenen med et svedigt show som indeholdt Noise, Automatic, Dogs Unleashed og Forever Now.

Snakkende med pressen før deres tur på scenen spurgte MTV gruppen hvad deres fans kunne forvente af showet, til hvilket Bill svarede: ”Hvad vi gjorde på dette album var at vi prøvede nogle nye instrumenter af, drengene spiller keyboards og de spiller klaver for første gang, for normalt spiller Tom kun guitar, men han er også virkelig talentfuld når det kommer til klaveret, så vi lavede et nyt album for at prøve de nye ting også på scenen”

De spurgte også om der var mange nerver før de skulle optræde for så stort et publikum, svarede Tokio Hotel formanden, ”Ja vi har. Men når man spiller en tour i 3 måneder eller sådan noget… Med det store show er det det samme hver aften, det er ikke så slemt, man bliver vant til det. Vi er altid nervøse når det kun er ét show, kun en chance, og det er altid spændende. Jeg tror det er normalt at være nervøs.”

Oversat af Tokio Hotel Online Update's TomKaulitzLover93
Tokio Hotel Rocks MTV World Stage Live 2010
Taking their sound overseas, the members of Tokio Hotel were among the participants in the MTV World Stage Live In Malaysia music event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Saturday (July 31).

With Bill Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz, Gustav Schaefer and Georg Listing all on-hand at the Sunway Lagoon Resort Surf Beach venue, the quartet took part in a press conference before taking the stage for a smokin' set including Noise, Automatic, Dogs Unleashed and Forever Now.
Chatting with press before their turn onstage, MTV asked the group what fans could expect from the show, to which Bill replied, "What we did on this record is that we tried some new instruments, the guys are playing keyboards, and they are playing piano for the first time, because in general, Tom is only playing the guitar, but he’s also really talented when it comes to the piano, so we went with a new record to try new stuff on stage as well."

Also asked if there are ever any nerves before performing to packed crowds, the Tokio Hotel frontman answered, "Yes, we do. But when you play a tour for like 3 months or something…with the large shows when it’s the same every night, it’s not that bad, you get used to it. We are always nervous when it’s just the one show, just the one possibility, and it’s always exciting. I think it’s a normal thing to be nervous."

Kilde/Source: celebrity-gossip.net

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